Fun Facts About Golem

Sep 02, 2021 by PD Alleva


Fun Facts about ‘Golem’


I do enjoy doing research, especially when that research has to do with history, and even more so, the history of my hometown New York. Considering that Golem takes place in the 1940’s and early 1950’s I needed to make sure I had the history and timeline of events spot on for the book, including the culture, fashion, what was the most popular candy for Halloween, and yes, even the misdeeds. 


So, here’s a few details, some fun facts about the Golem story:


  • Charleston Chews were the most popular candy in 1951
  • Top costume in 1951 for Halloween was Alice in Wonderland
  • The ClairField Inn is based on an actual hotel, although it was called the Claremont Inn
  • The winter blizzard that erupts over Alena’s Mansion on the night Golem is born was a real blizzard that shut down NYC the day after Christmas in 1947-I thought it was cool that he was born during a bitter cold blizzard
  • The gypsy woman, Maleva, in the Golem story is based on the gypsy character from the old black and white Lon Chaney Jr. classic film, The Wolf Man. In the film, iconic film actress, Maria Ouspenskaya, plays the gypsy. The Wolf Man is one of my favorite all time movies and the gypsy woman has captivated my psyche for the better part of my existence. I kept the first name of the film character, Maleva, and altered Maria’s last name just a bit to pay homage to a character that has provided incredible influence across a lifetime
  • All scandals, controversy, and misdeeds referenced in the book are real and factual, according to the research at least. I found it ironic how scandalous the era was, considering I was writing a book with a scandalous nature, all references fit in perfectly with the narrative. Well, except one, inanimate objects don’t come to life, do they?
  • The quote I’ve been pimping out over the last few months-“Books and movies are like a blueprint. A survival manual disguised as fiction. As folklore. Because the truth hides in plain sight and those that see have to hide and those that can’t see, well, they’re just a part of the plan”-promoting Golem is based on the author notes from the novel, Dracul, by Dacre Stoker and JD Barker. In the author notes the authors reference that Bram Stoker believed his novel, Dracula, was a true and accurate account of a real vampire and that his novel was a warning to the public about these vicious creatures of darkness. Now that’s some cool shit IMO. Great book Dracul, definitely recommended.

I could go on and on, but no spoilers here, so we can discuss all that at a later time. Golem is currently avaialbe for PreOrder through Amazon and available on Kindle Unlimited. Paperbacks and Hardcovers will be available across most major book buying platforms on October 5, 2021. To PreOrder Click Here!