PD Alleva's The Rose Vol 1 Contest And Giveaway
Posted on January 1, 2021



Welcome to PD Alleva's The Rose Vol. 1 Contest and Giveaway Page. 

Here’s what we’re looking for.

About a month ago The Rose author, PD Alleva, received a fan’s illustration of Sanos, the main alien vampire featured in the Rose, which sparked a thought which manifested into the page you're reading now. We have goals for the book; develop the story into a graphic novel, a game, and to launch the audiobook series for the story. Hence, where the contest idea below originated, but we will get to that in a moment because there’s more here than meets the eye.

We have for your enjoyment a Raffle/Giveaway ($500 in Prizes) AND a Contest for the best of the best (Over $500 in prizes). Total amount of prizes is over $1,000.00.


(Keep scrolling for Contest Information)

On a phone and having trouble entering?
Make sure you open this page outside of the Facebook web browser
by clicking the three dots and selecting ‘Open in Chrome’
or whatever web browser you normally use.

The more times you enter, the more chances you have to win! 

You can also come back every day for special tasks that will earn you daily entry points! 

Please make sure you are following, liking, joining, and subscribing to what you say you are. We do verify this information when we pick winners! The more tasks you perform, the more chances you have to win! 

You must complete at least one task to become a winner, the giveaway software will not pick you as a winner just for signing in with your email or social media.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Enter to win one of three prizes: Grand Prize: A $300 Amazon Gift Card; 2nd Prize: A Kindle Paperwhite; 3rd Prize a signed Hardcover of The Rose Vol. 1 and a "I'm not saying it was aliens" coffee mug. Multiple ways to enter, including some daily tasks. 

  • There are multiple entry options that include tasks associated with: Following the author on social media accounts; giving a Heart and Sharing provided Posts, Tweets, and Instagram Posts. Some of these options can be completed daily.
  • Created your own version of an alien vampire? Send it out across social media and enter the link into the raffle
  • GOODREADS USERS: There are options to follow PD Alleva on Goodreads and other entry options to like specific quotes.
  • Do you have a website? Post a book spotlight for The Rose Vol. 1 and use the link to enter the giveaway.
  • Have you written a review for The Rose? Copy and paste the link into the giveaway. Sorry, but due to Amazon and other book retailer's terms and conditions unfortunatley links to reviews on retailer sites including Amazon can not be used for this giveaway although review sites such as Goodreads and Bookbub are fair game. That doesn't mean you can't leave a review on Amazon or other retailer sites, you just can't use those reviews to enter the raffle. What you could do is post a review on Goodreads, use the link to your review to enter the raffle then share that review on Faceook or Twitter and use the link to your post as another way to enter the raffle. 
  • DIY Social Media Post Entries: Give a shout out to PD Alleva and The Rose on your social media accounts. For every tweet you tweet, for every post you send out across Facebook, for every picture on instagram, pinterest, or video you post on Tiktok that features The Rose Vol. 1 in a positive light, enter the link to your work in the raffle to earn points towards winning. (This entry option is for social media posts that YOU create on your own)

The raffle is open to US and International readers (yes we know shipping costs a ton but we refuse to ignore participants simply because they don’t live in an area where shipping costs are cheap).  Terms and conditions do apply, click here to review our terms and conditions. 


Contest Rules and Prizes 

Multiple contests means multiple ways to win


Remember the illustration we mentioned above? Well, this is where the contest comes in. WE WANT ALIEN VAMPIRES. WE WANT YOUR ALIEN VAMPIRES. GIVE US YOUR BEST ILLUSTRATION OF AN ALIEN VAMPIRE. If your vampire stands out from the crowd you can win a $300 Amazon Gift Card. Also we will be watching and monitoring every post and tweet sent through the raffle entries for presentations that stand out from the crowd, so we’ve also developed winning prizes for the best of the best in addition to the raffle and alien vampire illustration. 

Contests and Prizes:


  • A $300 Amazon gift card to the best alien vampire illustration plus a commission to develop a cover for the upcoming audiobook.
  • A $75 Amazon gift card for the best DIY post/tweet/pic sent out on social media
  • A $75 Amazon gift card for the best author/book spotlight
  • A $75 Amazon gift card for the best review (that’s right, we rate reviews too. Strange this is we know but we love reading a review that is packed with a punch. For example, check out the review from Seth Comire of IHeartScifi, or the review from Laura D. Child from The Magic Book Corner, now that’s the type of review we love to see).
  • $75 Amazon gift card to the person with the most entries into the raffle.


So there’s multiple ways to win and multiple contests happening all at the same time. There’s the raffle that requires links to posts, tweets, social media pics, reviews, book spotlights, and includes those alien vampire illustrations which you can create a post for and send out across social media. The raffle contains close to $500 in prizes and will award three different winners. Then there are the contests as listed above, which will be chosen by the author and publisher (exception being the $75 gift card for the most raffle entries). So, participants enter the contest by entering the raffle and completing the tasks required for each entry option. FYI For Alien Vampire illustrations you may also email them directly to the author at pd@pdalleva.com Total of all prizes is over $1,000.00 USD.  Terms and Conditions do apply, you can read those here.


Both the giveaway and contest(s) will run from January 1, 2021 until May 1, 2021. Winners will be picked and/or chosen in mid-May 2021. Winners will be contacted within 30 days of the close of the contest. Also, keep in mind fellow artists, that should you win the alien vampire drawing contest, yes you’ll get the commission (a $500 value) to develop the audiobook cover but there is also a large possibility for further commissions on the graphic novel, the game, and the cover for The Rose Vol. 2. 

FYI: You should bookmark this page so its easier to find everytime you need to provide an entry to the giveaway (multiple entries are allowed). You can also email your alien vampires to the author at  pd@pdalleva.com 

We are proud to work with TBM Horror Experts and AL Book Promotions. Thank you both for your support and promotion expertise, it is a pleasure working with you.




A Letter from the Publisher, Quill and Birch Publishing:


Dear reader:


Welcome to The Rose Vol. 1 Giveaway, Contest, and Raffle. Quill and Birch Publishing is a small traditional publishing house located in Florida’s beautiful Treasure Coast. Owned by Vanessa Petrillo, who has spent over three decades in the traditional publishing field, working with major publishing houses in New York, mostly editing and proofreading for authors such as Tad Williams, Mercedes Lackey, and Neil Gaiman. The Rose Vol. 1 is our first published science fiction novel and we are very proud of this first installment and what we believe will be an extraordinary series. I mean, one can’t go wrong writing about a dystopian reality featuring a species of alien vampires, telekinetic grey aliens, and genetic experiments. That’s our type of fun. 


Our goal here is two fold; create a loyal following of alien vampire and rebellion fans; and, take the publishing world by storm with a new series readers can really sink their teeth into (pun intended).  Of course there are many ways to reach our goals and one of them is right here on The Rose Giveaway Page. Why? Well good old fun to begin with, but also we are readers ourselves and believe readers should be rewarded for their loyalty and love of the written word. It's a win win for everyone. 


Good luck to all entrants.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by emailing vpetrillo@quillandbirch.com



Vanessa Petrillo

Owner and Editor


Here's the rendition of Sanos that started it all. Drawn by Mar Garcia of TBM Horror Experts. Also included is an anime version of Sanos.





Published by Quill and Birch Publishing
Click here to download your free copy of The Rose Vol. 1
Also available in Paperback and Hardcover. 

A masterful, dystopian science fiction thriller of telepathic evil greys, mysterious rebellion, martial arts, and Alien Vampires.


Sandy Cox believed WW3 was over. But for those Alien Vampires, war has just begun.


Forty-eight hours after a World War III treaty is signed Sandy Cox awakens in an underground compound unable to move. Tied to machines, she screams for help but no one answers. At least no one human. 


And they’ve taken her unborn child.


Phil is a rebel freedom fighter who has had more than his share of Alien Vampires. Armed with The Blades, a sacred alien martial arts weapon, he enters the compound on a mission to find Sandy. But as he battles through the compound, Phil discovers Sandy has her own agenda. Finding her stolen child is all that matters. 


But the Vampires have their own plan and Sandy’s baby is at the heart of their diabolical plot. 


Joined by a crew of rogue soldiers, they must navigate the underground compound, combating genetically mutated humans, aliens, and monsters. 


When battling Alien Vampires, one thing is certain…Get Ready To Bleed!


Fans of The Hunger Games, Blake Crouch, VE Schwab, Star Wars, and Ancient Aliens will be fascinated by this high-powered, edge-of-your-seat dystopian science fiction thriller. 

Review(s) (4.6 Avg Reader Rating on Goodreads):


**Unless specifically noted, all reviews below have received a Five Star rating

"Hands down one of the best thrillers I've read in quite a while...It's downright brilliant." ~ Laura D. Child (The Magic Book Corner: Top 5 reviewer on Goodreads)

"In less than a day, I journeyed through a post-WW3 world manipulated by space vampires and grey witches conducting Nazi-like experiments on humans – and loved it." ~Seth Comire (IHEARTSCIFI)

“This ambitious novel plays unashamedly in the pulp-SF sandbox . . . A conspiracy maven’s dream, packed with gory alien-vampire action.” ~ Kirkus Reviews

“An action packed no holds barred adventure with cinematic flair. Great for fans of Jeff Vandermeer’s Annhilation.” ~ Booklife Reviews


“Forget what you know about vampires and prepare to get a new bite from the tastefully different rules in The Rose Vol. 1. Bringing a new twist to a well-known genre is usually a risk, but PD Alleva has found a brilliant way to make it work. The Rose Vol. 1 is a fantastic recommendation for fans of vampire, fast-paced action, heart-racing, and dark-themed novels.” ~ Readers Favorite


"I found myself in a world akin to Terminator 2. In the film, a model T-800 is sent to protect Sarah Connor and her young son, John. But unlike Terminator 2 where the T-800 is fighting against a shape shifting metallic T-1000, our hero is battling against Alien Vampires (Dracs) and the women are stronger than the men. This world is cleverly and masterfully created with attention to detail and strategic planning. From the moment we meet a pregnant Sandy and her protector, Phil, we learn that he is a rebel freedom fighter who lives by the Akashic Records - a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened, and the power of thought can be controlled by the mind itself. We also know that Sandy will do anything to protect her stolen child. And thus begins a rollercoaster of a ride where you wonder whom you can trust and whose side you should be on. For these Dracs abhor humans. The line ... 'Any race that treated each other with such disregard deserved to be subjugated.' ...has you empathising with the bad guys. Exquisitely written with prose that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this is another brilliant read from P.D Alleva, and comes highly recommended." ~ S.E. Turner, Author of A Hare in the Wildnerness

"Sandy - Phil - Cam - Ben - the Dracs - the greys - all of Alleva's characters are multi-faceted and unpredictable with infinite layers. If you like thrillers, sci-fi, or dystopian, you will meet your match in THE ROSE. Riveting." ~ Sherrie Hansen, Author of Night and Day

"Man, what a trip!! I wasn't sure how I felt about alien vampires, at first, but they DID NOT disappoint! This book was a non-stop, action rollercoaster of crazy from cover to cover and I dig it! It was AWESOME!" ~ Reader Review

"I love vampire books. This was not your average vampire book. I am picky about my vampire books and this book was FANTASTIC! Highly recommend. Can't wait for book 2!" ~ Reader Review


"Sanos is perfectly horrible and you love to hate him. This book has invasions, abductions, blood, gore, telepathy and hope for mankind – with a twist and it’s all that stuff that made this a really refreshing read. I can’t wait for the next book!" ~ RM Garino, Author of The Gates of Golorath


“Thought you knew everything there is to know about aliens, vampires, werewolves, hulks, people? Well think again because this book turns everything on its head in a sci-fi extravaganza of action and plot twists. Alleva serves up this story with style and an array of characters that you can't help but fall in love with. As the lines between the perceived 'good and evil' blur, the idea of the Rose is intriguing and I cannot wait to find out what happens in Vol. 2.” ~L.L. Thomsen, Author of The Missing Shield

"This book gave me nightmares, in the best possible way! I read this book in 2 sittings. Fast paced and left me waiting impatiently for the next book in the series! Highly recommend 5 Stars." ~ Reader Review

"This PG13 dystopian thriller, which starts 48 hours after the end of WW III, kept me up WAY past my bedtime and required most of two days to read." ~ Reader Review

"Doom and gloom with multiple aliens and surprising hero’s. It read more like. Live action video game with a zillion battles. Characters were interesting and complex." ~ Three Star Reader Review

"The Rose has a very unique and interesting plot with a lot of diverse characters. They are all driven by their own goals, which makes for a complex book. While I liked and enjoyed the premise, I found it a bit hard to follow at times. Or rather, I lacked the motivation to keep up with the many threads. It just didn't grab me that much. However, that's no reflection on the book and rather a case of personal taste." ~ Three Star Reader Review